Worldwide shipping now available!

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Some of you may have noticed already, but Laptop with Linux is now also offering worldwide shipping! In the past we already had the option to ship within the European Union but we have recently decided to expand our shipping regions worldwide. We from Laptop with Linux feel that it is very important to offer you freedom of choice. Everyone should be able to order a Linux laptop and should not be limited to choosing between either Windows or Mac options. Because we have noticed that there are limited options available in ordering a Linux laptop or a laptop without operating software in several regions around the world we have decided to offer you this option.

Regarding shipping costs; our shipping costs within the European Union remain the same, free of charge. For worldwide shipping outside of the European Union we charge €56,- per laptop (or the equivalent in your own currency). Countries outside of the European Union are able to order without value added taxes (VAT). Do note that you might be obliged to pay for import duties and/or value added taxes (VAT) compliant with the rules and regulations of your desired country of destination.

If you have any questions left regarding worldwide shipping through feel free to contact us through Whatsapp on +31850606000 or e-mail on Our team of skilled employees will further help you with your questions.

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