Whilst we are using Euros as our currency, we are receiving more and more customers from outside of the European Union. Therefore we have recently added the option to pay with other currencies to serve most of our customers in the best way possible. The currencies available to order with on Laptop with Linux include:
Whenever you change the currency the price will be dynamically altered to the price in your currency of choice. You will then be able to checkout in the currency of your own choice. Do note that for the non-euro currencies at this moment you will only be able to checkout using the following payment methods: bank transfer, creditcard (max. of €1500 or equivalent) or PayPal.
No more PayPal transaction costs
Furthermore, we have noticed an increase in preference for PayPal payments. After some consideration we have decided to remove the default transactional costs that we charged in the past and decided to put these at our own expense. In this way we hope to make it easier for all of you to pay with PayPal!