elementary OS 6 Odin is finally here

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We have been waiting for a long time, but finally the new release of the wonderful elementary OS is here. Cassidy James Blaede, Co-founder & CXO of elementary OS, and his team have been working relentlessly for months to get the most radical upgrade of the user friendly Linux operating system ready for stable release. To speed up the release of OS 6, we donated an Intel Linux mini computer running elementary OS to Daniel Foré, founder of elementary OS, in March this year:

NUC10 Elementary Os Tweet

Apart from some refreshing styling options (such as a dark mode), the biggest additions are the improvement in privacy and security for the end user. AppCenter applications are sandboxed with Flatpaks and the end user can now easily grant or remove permissions for applications, such as access to Home Folder, System Folders, Devices, Network, Bluetooth, Printers, SSH and GPU Acceleration. See more new features here.

In addition to the security and privacy enhancements, some elementary OS apps such as Tasks, web browser, mail agent, calendar, code have been reviewed and improved, as well as the entire notification menu in the top right corner.

Elementary OS 6 ships with kernel 5.11. OS 6 code name Odin is available starting today on our laptops and mini computers.

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