Laptop with Linux goes social!

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A long requested feature has been added to the website; a news section! In the past few days, weeks and even months our team has received questions regarding if they could make sure that you stay up-to-date with the latest news. News like our latest additions in terms of products, tips regarding Linux, new configuration options that we offer for our laptops, contests for prizes and last but not least special discounts that we offer.

For the past few weeks we have been discussing with our team with regards to how this could best be implemented in our own website, but also on other channels. Ultimately, we came up with the idea of adding this news section to our website. On top of that we also want to get social with you, and share relevant news updates on our social channels. Be sure to follow us on Reddit, Twitter and Facebook. We are also eager to start our own subreddit, unfortunately we have to wait for 30 days until we are able to due to Reddit’s rules and regulations. Stay tuned for that though!

We hope that you are looking forward to our posts on these social channels, and that in this way we are able to fulfil your wishes in helping you stay up-to-date on all news regarding ourselves and Linux itself. Our main goal was always to improve feelings of freedom, transparency and privacy. And we hope that offering you the possibility of following us for additional news regarding Linux will benefit these goals.

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